In the webinar titled – Leave no flux undetected. Improved detection and quality assurance of greenhouse gas exchange rates measured with Picarro G2508 we highlighted research coming out of the University of Copenhagen. Dr. Christiansen and his team did research on comparing gas flux measurements between static chambers and cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS), and discrete versus continuous flux measurements, respectively. His paper, “Comparison of CO2, CH4 and N2O soil-atmosphere exchange measured in static chambers with cavity ring-down spectroscopy and gas chromatography,” was published in Agriculture and Forest Meteorology, and can be seen by visiting Dr. Christiansen’s ResearchGate page
During the webinar he focused on two main questions:
- Can we achieve better flux data with new technologies?
- What strategic advances do we have in terms of designing research using these new technologies?
Next up we had Eosense‘s Dr. Nick Nickerson discuss the Minimum Detectable Flux (MDF) method and how it can be used to estimate the lower limit of flux rate detection with a soil flux chamber-analyzer system, or as a quality control metric for data gathered with soil flux chambers. Jesper and Nick have hands-on experience with Picarro’s G2508 Soil Flux System and they shared their experience and results in achieving lower detection limits in gas flux measurements during the webinar.
To conclude the webinar, Picarro’s Dr. Nabil Saad unveiled the specifications, applications, and example data sets of Picarro Inc.’s latest CRDS gas analyzer, the Gas Scouter (G4301). We also learned from Dr. Saad about how Picarro’s Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy (CRDS) technology can be used to measure soil gas flux in-situ.
We had a lot of fun with the team at Picarro and the University of Copenhagen discussing all things flux! Check out the recording here!