Monitoring of greenhouse gas fluxes in harsh and remote ecosystems is critical to improving our understanding of global C and N budgets. Newly available high-precision analyzers with trace gas capabilities and lower power laser-based instruments have opened new possibilities for monitoring in these types of settings. When coupled with automated chamber systems, these analyzers can provide powerful greenhouse gas emissions data sets that shed light on difficult to monitor and understand processes. In this webinar, Dr Christine O’Connell (Silver Lab, Berkeley) will discuss the application of the G2508 and Eosense eosAC chamber system to studying redox and drought conditions in a montane rainforest in Puerto Rico. Dr. Nick Nickerson (Eosense) will continue the discussion with demonstration of the use of the Picarro GasScouter in an off-grid wetland deployment with the eosAC chamber system, as well as demonstration of a portable survey-style application in a coastal barren/wetland ecosystem. Dr. Gregor Lucic (Picarro) will finish up the discussion by providing an overview of how a modular approach to CRDS technology can open doors for new and exciting datasets.
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