
CR6 Demonstration program download

CR1000 Demonstration program download

Scroll to find the relevant diagram (serial, differential, or single-ended) for a printable version:

Differential Mode Diagram














Connecting the eosFD to a CR1000 in differential mode (printable image). Note that the yellow and green serial wires are unused in this configuration.

Single-ended Mode Diagram














Connecting an eosFD to a CR1000 in single-ended mode. Note that the yellow and green serial wires are unused in this configuration

Serial Mode Diagram (CR1000)
















Serial data connection of the eosFD to a CR1000 on COM1. Note that the purple, grey, and blue analog wires are unused in this configuration.

Serial Mode Diagram (CR6)
















Serial data connection of the eosFD to a CR6 on ComC1. Note that the purple, grey, and blue analog wires are unused in this configuration.